Crystal Dreaming® since 1994

Becoming a Crystal Dreaming® practitioner 

The complete Crystal Dreaming® practitioner training course is taught over a three day period and is split into a one day stand-alone foundation course – Crystal Awareness and a two day Crystal Dreaming® practitioner training course.

Usually taught consecutively Crystal Awareness is a compulsory course for all Crystal Dreaming® practitioners.

The process is insurable through IICT.

To view licenced all teachers details click here.

Crystal Awareness creator, Chicchan 

In Loving Memory Chicchan 1954-2022

This one day Crystal Awareness course was developed by Chicchan who worked with crystals and vibrational sound healing, with pure quartz crystal singing bowls. It is both a stand-alone basic crystal knowlwdge course and a compulsory foundation for the next two days of practitioner training.

Your licensed course teacher has been personally trained by Chicchan and is qualified to Crystal Awareness™ and Crystal Dreaming®.

Crystal Awareness™ Foundation course (1 day) 

This one day course introduces you to crystals and their energy. In a fun hands on learning experience, we will look at:

Understanding crystals and how they affect our energy. Working with crystals for personal growth, healing and balance. Learn how to expand your consciousness and enhance your environment and relationships.

Crystal Knowledge. How crystals are formed and types of crystal. Where crystal knowledge comes from.

Preparing self and space before using crystals. Selecting, cleansing and programming crystals. .

Types of quartz, rainbows in quartz, sacred geometry, yin and yang quartz, Isis, Dow, window, channelling crystals, double terminators, lasers, record keepers and phantoms.

Crystals for meditation, personal crystals, wearing crystals and crystals in the home.

The seven major bodily energy centres or chakras, their purpose and how different crystals affect them.

Observing and feeling different crystals, using your intuition to sense their purpose.

Crystal chakra meditation with crystals and crystal singing bowl music.

Use of crystals to ease physical pain, remember dreams, release stress, create peace and harmony, neutralise electronic interference (computers) and much more.

This course is a compulsory prerequisite for our Crystal Dreaming® practitioner course over the following two days.

For venue details and course costs contact the teachers listed below.
To view licenced all teachers details click here.

The Crystal Dreaming® creator, Crystal Master Raym 


Through over thirty years experience as a shamanic healer with guidance from his own spiritual team, Raym has developed Crystal Dreaming®. The process is proven, practical and easy to apply. The results are immediate and frequently life transforming. Crystal Dreaming® enables your clients to access the Superconscious experiencing first hand their own Divine Presence and absolute bliss. Raym also offers personal sessiopns and trainings in the BYron Bay hinterland.

Your licensed course teacher has been personally trained and attuned by Raym and is qualified to Crystal Awareness™ and Crystal Dreaming®.

Crystal Dreaming® Practitioner training course (2 days) 

Learn how to guide others safely into a deeply expanded state of consciousness, accessing the Superconscious, past, present and future in full consciousness.

This course will be presented by Raym and lasts for two days, with homework on Saturday night. Participants must have completed our Crystal Awareness course and have an excellent understanding of crystals, their properties and how they affect our energy. This practitiuoner training course includes supervised practice.

Crystal Dreaming® How it works 

The laying on of stones is an ancient Healing Art practiced by the Mayans, Ancient Egyptians and Native Americans.

New Age philosophy acknowledges the truth of the inter-connectedness of all things, the reality of the Spirit world and the existence of beings in other realities. It perceives the illusion of linear time and space and the truth of our infinite beings.

Crystal quartz is silicon dioxide the most common mineral compound on Earth is also found in small quantities throughout our body, hence the affinity or resonance between our own molecular structure and crystals. When crystals are placed on the body the healing process is stimulated from within.

By placing crystals around the crown creating a particular pattern or mandala, it is possible to focus Divine Energy, opening the pineal gland and triggering the shift in consciousness of your client into an expanded state of consciousness. After clearing negative energy and self healing, it is possible to experience a profound state of oneness and bliss.

These advanced techniques enable you to guide your client to a fully conscious reconnection with the never ending now in which our higher selves exist in a state of constant bliss. You may recall ancient past life abilities, clear Karma, open clairvoyance, clairesentience and clairaudience during your session.

Crystal Dreaming® will bring clarity of purpose to your client by activating their Divine mission, blueprint or life plan. Crystal Dreaming® frequently leads to a full embodiment of past life skills and a blissful reconnection with the Divine.

One session can achieve this.

Crystal Dreaming® What it can achieve 

Through Crystal Dreaming® your client may travel into the depths of their being and there find true happiness and peace. Once experienced their life will never be the same again. Doorways previously locked will open – all they need is the courage to step into the unknown and discover the truth and beauty of who they really are. Crystal Dreaming® allows you to guide this exploration of the inner plane, with a heightened awareness of reality, in a safe and nurturing environment.

The focus of Crystal Dreaming® is to empower anyone to diagnose and treat themselves of any imbalance on any level. It will implement positive life changes from knowledge your client has personally received from the spirit realm. You will learn how to assist in releasing any blockages or limitations, cellular memories, past or present life trauma negative energies or entities or any aspect of your clients being that requires more love and understanding. You will assist your client’s entry into a new and wonderful world with love and respect for who your client truly is.

There is absolutely nothing to fear in delving into one’s inner beingness for there is only truth and radiant beauty to be found there The path that Crystal Dreaming® opens will lead your client inward to their source of power. In this course you will learn how to facilitate this transformational journey for others safely, with ease and grace.

Crystal Dreaming® Facilitating an expanded state.

Using a sacred mandala of crystals placed around the crown, I will teach you how to facilitate a profound journey into oneness and bliss for others, where emotional, physical and spiritual healing may occur, instantly.

You will learn how to release all blocks en route to this state, including the release of; cellular memory, emotional blockages, past or present life trauma, negative energy, entities and interference from any other source.

After releasing these blockages, your client may meet their higher self, spirit guides, spiritual teachers, Ascended Masters and other highly evolved beings of light.

These techniques open all channels to the Spirit world and beyond, facilitating interdimensional travel anywhere in time and space, whilst remaining fully conscious of this reality.

I will give you a clear understanding of the Spirit World, a realm that is often misunderstood and in contemporary Western culture rarely explained thoroughly and clearly. We will look at the area that you will be exploring with your clients and the energies and beings you are likely to encounter there, including interdimensionals and extraterrestrials.

We will be working from Raym’s book “Alchemy of Crystals” a copy of which is included in the course fee.

You will give and receive a Crystal Dreaming® session during this course, which presumes knowledge of crystals and their properties.

Participants must have completed our one day Crystal Awareness course before studying Crystal Dreaming®.

For a full list of training courses click here

To view licenced all teachers details click here.